1980년 활동했던 미국 뉴욕의 혼성그룹 인딥 대표곡 Last Night a D.J. Saved My Life는 집에 혼자 있어 지루해진 여자의 이야기로, 그녀의 남자에게 말을 하고 싶지만, 갈 수 없는 그런 내용이 담긴 디스코 곡이다. 1982년 큰 인기를 얻었는데, 당시 클럽가 상위권을 기록했다.
[제목] Indeep - Last Night a D.J. Saved My Life [가수] Indeep(인딥) 멤버: Mike Cleveland, Réjane Magloire, Rose Marie Ramsey, Beckie Bell[장르] Post-disco [제작] Michael Cleveland [앨범] 1집 Last Night a D.J. Saved My Life! (1983) 싱글 1982.2.15. 발매
[Music Video/Audio] *광고후 본 노래가 나옵니다.
☞ 뮤직비디오 출처/소유권 유튜브 UnidiscMusic 플러그인 *
주의) MP3 무료 다운로드 요청 거절, 음원 사이트에서 정상 구매하세요.
[Lyrics] Indeep Last Night a D.J. Saved My Life 노래가사
[Verse 1]
Last night a DJ saved my life, Last night a DJ saved my life, yeah
Cause I was sittin' there bored to death, And in just one breath, he said
"You got get up, you got get up, you got get down, girl"
You know you drive me crazy, baby. You got me turnin' to another man
Called you on the phone, no one's home, Baby, why you leave me all alone?
And if it wasn't for the music, I don't know what I'd do, yeah
Last night a DJ saved my life, Last night a DJ saved my life from a broken heart
Last night a DJ saved my life, Last night a DJ saved my life with a song
[Verse 2]
You know I hopped into my car, didn't get very far, no
Because I had you on my mind, why be so unkind?
You got your women all around, all around this town
But I was trapped in love with you and I didn't know what to do
But when I turned on my radio, I found out all I needed to know
Check it out
[Verse 3/rap]
Hey, listen up to your local deejay, You better hear what he's got to say
There's not a problem that I can't fix, Cause I can do it in the mix
And if your man gives you trouble, just move out on a double
And you don't let it trouble your brain
Cause away goes trouble down the drain
Said away goes trouble down the drain
Well, alright, Dub time
[Dub Break]
[Verse 4]
Last night a DJ saved my life
There's not a problem that I can't fix
Cause I can do it in the mix, Cause I can do it in the mix
In the mix, in the mix, in the mix, in the mix
In the mix, in the mix, in the mix, in the mix
In the mix, in the mix
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