팝페라 그룹 일 디보와 미국 가수 토니 브랙스톤이 함께 부른 2006년 독일 월드컵 공식 주제가로 토니브랙스톤의 6집에도 실렸다.
[song title] Toni Braxton & Il Divo - The Time Of Our Lives [Singer] Il Divo (일 디보) 멤버: Urs Buhler (테너,스위스), Carlos Marin (바리톤, 스페인), David Miller (테너, 미국), Sebastien Izambard (테너, 프랑스) & Toni Braxton [Genre] Classical crossover, Operatic pop [Writer(s)] Jörgen Elofsson [Producer(s)] Steve Mac [album] Voices from the FIFA World Cup(2006.6.6) & 토니브랙스톤 6집 Libra (2005.9.27)
[Music Video/Audio] ☞ 뮤직비디오 출처 공식 유튜브 플러그인 * *광고후 노래가 나옵니다.
주의) MP3 무료 다운로드 요청 거절, 음원 사이트에서 정상 구매하세요.
[Lyrics] Toni Braxton & Il Divo The Time Of Our Lives 노래가사
There was a dream, Long time ago
There was a dream, Destined to grow
Hacerse passion, Con fuego abrazar
El deseo de dar sin fin, El deseo de ganar
For the lifetime, Of heartbreak, That brought us here today, Will go all the way
Hey, they feels like we've having, The time of our lives
Let's light the fire, find the plan, Let's come together as one in the same
'Cause it feels like we've having, The time of our lives
We'll find the glory, and we there
For all that we are, For all that we are, For the time of our lives
Hoy es el dia, es la ocasion de triunfar
Para hacer realidad el destino que sonabamos conseguir
Una vida de lucha nos trajo hasta aqui
Y llegare hasta el final (Heaven knows)
'Cause it feels like we've having the time of our lives
Juntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el major
'Cause it feels like we've havin' the time of our lives
Juanto la gloria, junto a mi, la hora llego de la verdad, El momento llego,
Y ya nunca jamas lo podre olvidar
'Cause it feels like we've having ('Cause it feels like we're having)
The time of our lives, Juntos, unidos, triunfara (Juntos, unidos, triunfara)
Nuestro deseo de ser el mejor
'Cause it feels like we've having ('Cause it feels like we're having)
The time of our lives, Junto a la gloria, junto a mi, La hora llego, el momento llego
La hora llego, We'll find the glory (Find the glory)
We'll be there, (In the end) For all that we are
For everything that, We wanna be and all that we are
For the time of our lives
For the time of our lives...
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